New Texting Platform

General Community Announcement: we are migrating our texting service from the old 87447 number to a new 10 digit direct number 856-295-6893. To continue recieving messages from the masjid, please use the following links:

To register for both text messages and emails from the masjid, please click here

To register for only text messages from the masjid, please click here

To register for only emails from the masjid, please click here

Birth Anniversary of Imam Ali (AS)

Join us on Friday, January 10th at 6:30pm to celebrate the birth anniversary of Imam Ali (AS). The program will begin with recitation of Quran, followed by a lecture by Sayed Baqir Imrani, poetry, and more!

Birth Anniversary of Sayeda Fatima al-Zahra (SA)

Join us on Friday, December 20th at 7PM for a Sisters Only Program to celebrate the birth anniversary of the Lady of Light – Sayeda Fatima Al Zahra (SA). The program will begin with a speech by Sayyid Baqir Imrani, followed by recitations, activities, and more!